Saturday, February 10, 2018

Importance of Mahashivratri- Must read.



Mahadev's form is supernatural. Holds a cover letter. There is a moon in the bark. There are snakes and thunders in the throat. There are tristols in hand. Gangaji flows from the jata. Kailash lives on the mountain. Nandi is their fold. The three-dimension itself is assumed.
Sadashiv Bhalnath means the welfare god. The Welfare of the Gods Dev Dev Mahadev inspired the soul to become Shiva. Through a series of observations, human beings are inspired to become Shiva. Shiva, established on the Kailas mountain at the top of the Himalayas, shows us that it is necessary to reach a certain height in life to admit the welfare path. Veda-13 is called Shivaratri in every month, but thirteen of the month is something special and unique. So it is called Mahashivaratri.
Mahashivaratri is unique in Shiva-Pujan, Shiva-Abhishek, Rudri, Lakhurudra and Shiva's hymns, and the glory of Lord Shiva. On the whole day temples of devotees roam and the temple of Lord Mahadev roars. Shivaji is celebrated with flowers of flowers, Bilipatra and Bhang. It is the glory of the Goddess of the temple, decoration, Mahatrai and the special Shiva worship at night.
       Dangers are used in milk, sugar, cucumber (pepper), nutmeg, fennel, cinnamon, and cardamom. To worship Sadashiv, Bhalnath, the devotees worship songs like Shiva Panchakshar Stotra, Shivchalisa, Rudrashtika.
In Indian culture, without the Lord Shiva and Parvati, the concept of spiritual world can not be imagined. In Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh Shiva is considered a deity of dissolution. Shiva's shape and formlessness are two types. There are thousands of Shiva names.
          Devotees are blessed by Shivratri worship, devotion and worship of Lord Shiva. A grand fair is held in Shivratri in Bhavnath in Junagadh. Naga-bawa procession arrives and the bavo baths in the dead body.
  Adivasis fair is also held at Devmogara of Sagbara taluka in Gujarat, which is the center of attraction.
    Shivratri is worshiped in Shivmandir early in the morning. Jalpaadha, Dudhia Abhishek, Tulung Mug and Dhanya, Beelflaf and Ganjajal are made from Shivaji's Mahapujua. Through the Shiva Pujan, the people, the diseased and the sadhus are silent. The Shiva Puja in Shivratri is done by the devotees. The fruits of Mahashivaratri are also found in the fruit. Furthermore, after sacrificing crystalline crystals of Shivratri, all sins of the devotees are burnt to the ground.
    All achievement from Shiva Pujan is attained. Many devotees do not eat Shivratri and do only one or more flowers. Abhishek on Shivaji gets mental peace. Counsels are removed and the perils of the mind are destroyed. By meeting the three-legged bilpit Shiva, religion, meaning, work and salvation are attained.
On the night of Mahashivaratri, Japa, Jitan, and Nam of Mahamrutvijayya, Shiva break the crowd of devotees by chanting the mantra of the Panchakshara. Devotees feel blessed through Shiva worship. Apart from Shivratri, daily mantra, japa, abhishek, praise or Mahapooja are done by devotees' disasters, and religious rituals are also attained with the help of Bhulnath Sadashiv.
    Mahadev's form is supernatural. Holds a cover letter. There is a moon in the bark. There are snakes and thunders in the throat. There are tristols in hand. Gangaji flows from the jata. Kailash lives on the mountain. Nandi is their fold. The three-dimension itself is assumed. There is one hand in hand.

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